
What is rebirth and do all souls have rebirth?

Rebirth can be understood as the process or reincarnation. Once we passed away from our physical body, our soul goes back to the spiritual world or realm it belongs to. Rebirth depends upon the deeds which we have done in this life and the karmic debt it carries with. During my numerous consultation I came to the understanding that rebirth is not a drastic process, and it depends upon the karmic debt of a person. Some of the souls get rebirth within two to three years or even with a shorter period whereas some other souls due to their bad karma they had to go through various difficult phases in this spiritual world and have to cleanse themselves over many years and even some times many hundreds of years.
However, there are some other souls which are purified and got into the higher stage of spiritual world either the 5th 6th or the highest realm of 7th. They don’t need to wait for such a long time to get the rebirth and even they have the choice of either having the rebirth or to have eternal peace in the spiritual world. People those who have the baggage of bad karma in the physical world goes to the first, second and third realms. The fourth realm is in between the lowest and highest phases. After the cleansing and asking forgiveness for their sins, a soul who are in the lower realm may be able to go to higher level.
Here one thing we have to understand that in order for them to get to a higher level or stage not only their sufferings or purification through self-cleansing matters. The sincere, pure, powerful prayers and the spiritual rituals and religious customs which we carry in this physical world definitely help a soul to get cleansed from their bad karma and sins. Therefore, if we come to realize that those who passed away from our lives are being in the lower in the spiritual world, family members are responsible to do good deeds or prayers for the departed soul thereby enabling them to move to a higher level in the spiritual world. Thus, it can be concluded that rebirth is a process which continues until the soul reaches the ultimate higher realm thereby attaining eternal peace and solace. In most cases, the rebirth of a soul can be within the same family or in some times in other family. In some times, even in other place or countries.